Will The Real Don Please Stand Up!
by Maynard Alexander
Ok, first of all I admit to being on pain meds, for the surgery on my left quad is only a week old, but I am still cognitive enough to recognize bovine fecal material when I see it.
And the Donald Trump we are seeing is a big pile of bovine fecal material. And its all by design.
Gonna stand my ground, won't be turned around
And I'll keep this world from draggin' me down
Gonna stand my ground and I won't back down
Tom Petty via AZLyrics.com

Yet I digressed...I'm talking about Cartoon Trump vs. The Real Don.
Cartoon Trump is the one we are seeing lately. Why? So he gets attention! There is no such thing as bad publicity, and as long as he bashes President Obama and the current political establishment, we are going to see Cartoon Trump for sometime to come. He is saying all the right things to stir up controversy, and as it was once put by another successful businessman...controversy creates cash.

So Trump is gathering oodles of cash that is essentially his win or loose, and knowing Trump, that money will be invested wisely.
Which is the genius which is Donald Trump.
You really think he meant all those negative low blows at Latin Americans, when he is a businessman and the last I checked Latinos in American and beyond our borders have money? You really think he means all that crap he is tossing at Megan Kelley of Fox News, which could hurt him with women at the polls and with Fox? And do you really think he doesn't have a plan to fix America, and instead relies on political jabs and name calling?
Well, you would be half right. For Cartoon Trump is living it up with his personal Daffy Duck moment. But, remember, while goofy, Daffy Duck was no dummy. Trump is enjoying this political sparring with his fellow conservatives. He's the man to beat right now and for good reason.
But the Real Don...he's just waiting in the wings.

Same can be said of Cartoon Trump and The Real Don.
See we are getting Cartoon Trump now, so he stays the focal point of conversation, and gets lots of face time on Fox, & CNN. His bombastic ways keep him on the lips of Maddow, Limbaugh and Harris-Perry, while making guys like Gov Scott Walker -shouldn't be running when his state is in worse shape than when he began- Senator Rand Paul -just a bit too logical and robotic for the masses- and Dr. Ben Carson a brotha who so happens to be a neurosurgeon -come on man, you really think America is going to elect back to back African American Presidents? What are you smoking?- have to work twice as hard to outshine Trump. Combined with his own substantial wealth and the cash from his political backers, Cartoon Trump has the money, the heart and the panache to give his opponents on both sides a run for their money.
So the question of the moment is when will we see the Real Don?

Only problem is, regardless of whether it is Cartoon Trump or the Real Don, he still won't be able to fix the real problem...Congress.
But its still cool to imagine him, during his initial State of the Union address, look around the room, and point at every legislator and say...
And what a glorious day that would be. But alas, it is merely a pain pill induced fantasy.
Yet one can say what one will about Donald Trump, at least The Don, real or cartoon is showing some testicular fortitude.
All photos courtesy of Google Search, and links via youtube